Sunday, October 01, 2006


Are we talking with one voice?

One voice ~ One thought

It will be prudent if the commander in chief’s lieutenants and the commander in chief spoke with one voice. One voice in the sense that the pronouncements from the chief executive as well as the pronouncements from the lieutenants have the same meaning at the end of the day. The president should not say one thing that has a particular meaning to it and a certain lieutenant or two trusted lieutenants speaking on the same topic with the exact subject matter saying something that have one hundred and eighty degrees spin on it.

The actions of the present authorities will encourage or discourage investors into the investment arena that are greatly needed on the ground, since those sanctions that were levied on the country because of the rogue leaders Liberia had the dubious pleasure of enduring, are not been fully lifted by the international community.

From where I sit, it seems to be laughable to encourage investors into the country, when the investors that are on the ground right now, including some who want to expand their bounty, but are not finding it easy to do so; whereas, others who braved the civil conflict and tarried on the ground are now been pushed against the wall that some have threatened to abandon ship, throw in the towel, leave and never to return.

When students attempt to take the mantle of authority and pose some real unreasonable demands; moreover, when civil servants engage in civil disobedience and demonstrate unlawful behaviors; furthermore, when members of both houses put their dirty laundries out on the street for public viewing, when certain communities fight against expansion of business ventures, when marketers challenge city ordinances and do their own thing, all these scenarios give rise to unrest, fear and uncertainty of the fragile state of affairs. Think on these things.

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